Meze Restaurant

Laugavegur 42, 101 Reykjavík

We are Meze Family, a team of taste makers that specialize in Mediterranean Cuisine.

We’ve gone to great effort to ensure that every meal we plate is composed of the freshest traditional ingredients. Our team effort is aiming to give a unique taste of Mediterranean flavors with a Nordic approach.

Our Philosophy

We started Meze as a way to honor our Mediterranean Cuisine while pursuing our own passions. In addition to being traditional Mediterranean dishes, we are adopting an innovative approach to the tradition.

We have spent countless hours in this kitchen developing and perfecting the recipes you see on the menu today. We’ve also dedicated our time and energy into sourcing the right ingredients and making sure seasonal specialities are available to our patrons.

Miðborgin Reykjavík er samstarfsvettvangur rekstraraðila í miðborginni.
© 2023 Miðborgin Reykjavík - Allur réttur áskilinn - Bankastræti 5, 101 Reykjavík
Miðborgin Reykjavík er samstarfsvettvangur rekstraraðila í miðborginni.