Visit Reykjavík

, 101 Reykjavík

About us

Visit Reykjavík is the official tourism organization for the Reykjavik greater city area. It was established in 2023 by six municipalities and the tourism industry. Visit Reykjavík promotes and develops the whole destination in a sustainable way, with a focus on increasing economic activity.  Through collaboration with partners in the tourism, transportation, and cultural sectors, Visit Reykjavík continues to enhance the visitor experience and showcase all that Reykjavík has to offer.

Miðborgin Reykjavík er samstarfsvettvangur rekstraraðila í miðborginni.
© 2023 Miðborgin Reykjavík - Allur réttur áskilinn - Bankastræti 5, 101 Reykjavík
Miðborgin Reykjavík er samstarfsvettvangur rekstraraðila í miðborginni.